Institute for Wind Energy Systems Studies Courses
Design and Installation of Wind Farms

Design and Installation of Wind Farms

Komponenten von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen im Installationshafen Komponenten von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen im Installationshafen Komponenten von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen im Installationshafen © Helmut Gross

In order to produce electrical energy from wind in an economically efficient way, optimal planning of wind farms taking into account installation concepts is of utmost importance. The engineer has to know which authorities to work with in order to receive the manifold permissions. Besides, he has to be able to perform a realistic assessment of the annual energy production considering different losses and uncertainties in order to convince investors of a wind energy project.

This course prepares students for these challenges for both onshore and offshore environments.

Credit Points

6 CP / 5 CP

Depending on PO



SWS: 2L / 2T



50 % each



Documents in parts EN

Highlight: Practical Relevance

Education of design strategies and concepts for onshore and offshore wind farms with practical relevance in cooperation with our partners from industry.

Logo der Firma Lahmeyer International Logo der Firma Lahmeyer International Logo der Firma Lahmeyer International
Logo der Firma Deutsche WindGuard GmbH Logo der Firma Deutsche WindGuard GmbH Logo der Firma Deutsche WindGuard GmbH
Logo des Fraunhofer IWES Logo des Fraunhofer IWES Logo des Fraunhofer IWES

Learning Objectives

The module DIWF teaches manifold competences around onshore and offshore wind farms. After successful completion the students are able to:

  • explain the steps of wind farm project development,
  • explain the German legal requirements,
  • create a wind statistics on the basis of measurements,
  • create a wind farm layout and explain the possibilities of layout optimisation,
  • calculate the annual energy yield of a wind farm,
  • choose wind turbines for specific site conditions,
  • explain the installation processes of offshore wind farms,
  • name and explain the transport processes for wind turbine components and the logistics issues,
  • and explain the processes and safety aspects of wind farm installation.


The lectures of the module have the following content:

  • Legal aspects and requirements of wind farm planning and commissioning in Germany
  • Fundamentals of energy yield estimation
  • Site-specific choice of wind turbines
  • Aspects of wind farm layout optimisation
  • Requirements for serial manufacturing of wind turbine components in factories
  • Transport processes of support structures and wind turbines in offshore wind farms
  • Installation of wind farms: Logistics issues, processes and safety aspects

Tutorial and Homework

In the tutorials, students deepen the knowledge gained in the lectures by executing calculation examples. In parts, students do their exercises on the computer in the CIP pool. Students learn to apply the methods for evaluation and preparation of wind measurement data. For this purpose, basic know-how in MS Excel is required. The content of the tutorials is e. g. statistics of wind velocity and direction as well as so-called "measure-correlate-predict" methods for creating long-term wind statistics based on short-term measurements. Furthermore, the calculation of the annual energy production of the wind farm including wake losses and uncertainties is discussed.

The tutorials serve to prepare the students for the homework, which is part of the exam.

Exam Modalities

For the successful completion of the course, students have to take a two-stage exam. The first part is the preparation of a homework, in which the learned content is applied. For this purpose, students create a wind assessment, prepare a wind farm layout, and calculate the annual energy production taking into account various uncertainties. The second part is an oral exam which lasts approximately 20 minutes. The overall grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of both parts.

Part I


50 h

Part II

Oral Exam

20 min



50 % each

Students have to register to the exam in due time at Akademisches Prüfungsamt (APA). The exam is interpreted as started when the task description of the homework is handed out.

Changes in the Master's studies "Energy Technology": Students receive 5 CP. In order to reduce the work load respectively, the homework is carried out in reduced form as an unmarked achievement. The exam is thus composed of the oral exam only.

Registration and Further Information

Complementary course (optional)

The course Computer-Aided Design of Wind Farms with WindPRO builds upon the theory foundation of the course DIWF and expands the competences of the students into the design of wind farms with the software package WindPRO and the integrated WAsP interface (world market leader in computer-aided wind farm design).