Institute for Wind Energy Systems Studies Courses
Computer-Aided Design of Wind Farms with WindPRO

Computer-Aided Design of Wind Farms with WindPRO

Windpark vor wunderschönem orange-blauem Himmel Windpark vor wunderschönem orange-blauem Himmel Windpark vor wunderschönem orange-blauem Himmel © RawFilm / Unsplash

The design of wind farms is a demanding task: The designing engineer has to take into account the orology and the roughness of the surrounding areas. He has to describe wake situations and needs to prepare wind statistics in a meaningful and accurate way. Without the use of appropriate and state-of-the-art software solutions this task cannot be solved. The tool WindPRO with the interface to WAsP has established as the world's leading software in the field. With the use of this software, this course addresses the fundamental aspects of wind farm planning and design.

In the integrated Journal Club, students read scientific journal articles that are thematically connected with the course, and present their contents in front of the class. In this way, soft skills like reading/understanding/presenting – inevitable parts of scientific working – are part of the training programme.

The course is given as a block seminar in winter semesters. At the beginning of the semester, an introduction meeting is held in order to inform the students about the learning objectives and the content of the course.

Credit Points

6 CP / 5 CP

depending on PO



SWS: 1L / 2T



50 % each



Documents in parts EN

Highlight: WindPRO

Conducting a wind farm design using the software package WindPRO with the integrated WAsP interface (market leader in computer-aided wind farm design).

Logo von WindPRO Logo von WindPRO Logo von WindPRO
Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls BASIS Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls BASIS Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls BASIS © EMD Deutschland GbR
Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls ZVI Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls ZVI Screenshot des WindPRO-Moduls ZVI © EMD Deutschland GbR

Learning Objectives

The course teaches manifold competences around the layout of wind farms, the calculation of the annual energy production of wind farms, and the application of WindPRO/WasP. After successful completion of the course students are able to:

  • model obstacles, roughnesses and the orology of the landscape in WindPRO,
  • apply the Measure-Correlate-Predict (MCP) methods of WindPRO,
  • calculate and apply a regional wind statistics and a wind ressource map in WindPRO,
  • carry out an energy yield estimation including wake losses in WindPRO,
  • carry out an energy yield estimation including losses and uncertainties in WindPRO,
  • carry out an acoustic noise and shadow flicker analysis in WindPRO,
  • explain the theory and methods behing the WindPRO modules METEO, MODEL, MCP/STATGEN, PARK, LOSS & UNCERTAINTY, DECIBEL and SHADOW.


The lecture of the course takes place in the framework of a one-week block seminar. It comprises the theory and application of the following WindPRO modules:

  • PARK

Tutorial, Homework and Journal Club

The lecture is complemented by tutorial units, in which the students apply the WindPRO software with supervision. In this way the theoretical parts of the lecture are applied and practised.

In the accompanying homework, the WindPRO software is applied independently in order to design an own wind farm. Therein, students further train the contents of the lectures and the tutorials in order to become experienced users of the software.

The integrated Journal Club is an unmarked additional achievement. Students independently deal with a topic in the context of the course by reading a scientific journal article. In this way they train reading and understanding of relevant specialist literature, which is very important for their future career. Moreover, presenting techniques are trained in the final presentation with a subsequent discussion within the group of participants.

Student in einer Konsultation Student in einer Konsultation Student in einer Konsultation © FBG / C. Bierwagen
Prototyp der Adwen AD8-180 Prototyp der Adwen AD8-180 Prototyp der Adwen AD8-180 © Silvio Matysik /
Studierenden-Konsultation Studierenden-Konsultation Studierenden-Konsultation © FBG / C. Bierwagen

Exam Modalities

For a successful completion of the course, students have to pass a two-stage exam. The first part is to finish a home work, in which students have to apply the gained know-how independently. For this purpose, they design a wind farm layout in WindPRO and calculate the energy yield via the WAsP interface. The second part is an oral examination at the end of the semester with approximately 20 minutes duration. The overall grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of both parts.

Moreover, a presentation on a relevant scientific article has to be given in the context of the Journal Club as an unmarked additional achievement.

Part I


80 h

Part II

Oral Exam

20 min



50 % each

Students have to subscribe to the exam AND to the unmarked additional achievement in due time at Akademisches Prüfungsamt (APA).

Changes in the Master's studies "Energy Technology": Students receive 5 CP. In order to reduce the work load respectively, students don't need to carry out the homework. The exam thus is composed only of the oral exam. However, the presentation in the context of the Journal Club has to be accomplished.

Lecturer and Contact Person

Foto von Claudio Balzani Foto von Claudio Balzani © Anastasia Schuster
Dr.-Ing. Claudio Balzani
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Please arrange an appointment
Foto von Claudio Balzani Foto von Claudio Balzani © Anastasia Schuster
Dr.-Ing. Claudio Balzani
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Please arrange an appointment

Registration and Further Information

Complementary course (optional)

In the Course Design and Installation of Wind Farms, the design strategies and concepts are considered for onshore and offshore wind farms. The lectures are given by our industry partners.