

  • Manousides N, Holst T, Balzani C (2019): Investigation of the material anisotropy of epoxy-based adhesive joints in wind turbine rotor blades filled with short glass fibresWind Energy Science Conference (WESC), 17.-20.06.2019, Cork, Irland
  • Rosemeier M, Lester C, Antoniou A, Fahrenson C, Manousides N (2019): Determination of in-situ-properties for the matrix of fiber reinforced polymers of a wind turbine blade using scanning electron microscopy and computer tomographyMECHCOMP2019, 5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, 01.-04.07.2019, Lissabon, Portugal
  • Manousides N (2017): Determination of failure in composite structures on the microscale using non-destrucitve testing methodsCinemax III PhD Summer School, DTU summer school in Imaging, 28.08.-01.09.2017, Lolland, Dänemark